updated 7 August 2024

Most people coming to this website know me as an artist and illustrator. After all, this is how I have made most of my living for many decades. I create professional commissions for publication in games and books, with commissions, painting, poster, ALA, American Libraries Association, experience doing fantasy, science fiction, steampunk, and urban fantasy. I do private and commercial art commissions (more information below). Check this link if you are looking for my card alterations.

PLEASE NOTE that I am NOT accepting major new commissions at the time of this update. I am too far behind on current assignments and must get these done before putting new work on the schedule. I should be able to discuss new commissions later in 2024, but may not be able to start new work until after the first of the year.

Otherwise, the information below is generally accurate.

The Art Galleries give you an overview of my work, my styles, and my subjects. Art for Games is the largest of the galleries, with cover art, card art paintings, and inkwork illustrations. Personal Projects & Commissions puts some of my best-loved pieces on exhibit, as well as some of the stranger things I’ve done for my own satisfaction or at the request of private individuals. To see some new(ish) work I am most proud of, please have a look at the Recent Works page.

Every project is unique, so putting out a “price list of services” is problematic. Together we can figure out a price that works for us both. I price commissions based on the work being requested. Please email me ([email protected]) to start the conversation.

If you are interested in commissioning me for any art project, these might be questions I will need answered to quote you a fair price:

  • Color or black & white?
  • Is this for publication? If so, for what use(s)?
  • What kind of complexity and/or quantity are we talking about?
  • Do you have a specific image in mind (at one end of the scale), or is it wide open (at the other end), or something in between?
  • Who owns copyright?
  • Do you keep the original or do I (for possible sale separately)?
  • Deadlines, if any? What and when?

You might also find it helpful to read this post about one particular commission, a fantasy portrait I did for a gentleman’s 50th birthday.

In addition to doing art, I have worked as a freelance editor and writer. I have done project development, taking existing work in its rough state, and making it ready for release with a combination of my artistic, editorial, and graphic design skills. If coordination of a project is what you need, my project management with other creative individuals can bring an idea to fruition.

For editing, writing, or project development, every project truly is unique. I will be happy to discuss your project and the work needed.

If you have questions and are interested in having me do art, editing, writing, or project development, I’d love for you to get in touch with me.

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